The Handwriting Clinic

The handwriting clinic at Achieve Therapy Centre will quickly assist your child in developing age appropriate handwriting skills.

  • Do you notice that your child writes their letters from the bottom up?
  • Are you concerned that your child’s handwriting is slowing down their ability to put thoughts on paper?
  • Has your child’s teacher brought forward concerns about their writing?
  • Does your child complain when it’s time to write?
  • Does your child have fine motor/handwriting concerns that have been identified in a psychoeducational assessment?

Programming at the handwriting clinic uses a fun and multisensory approach to developing skill and strategies for handwriting. Depending on your child’s age, printing or cursive handwriting can be addressed.

You will complete an intake questionnaire prior to your child’s assessment.  The assessment session (initial appointment), lasting up to 90 minutes, will consist of standardized testing to identify your child’s areas of need.  Following the assessment session, we will schedule a 30 minute debriefing session with parents/caregivers (child not present).  You will receive the assessment summary, initial recommendations and treatment options (if required).

Typically, those children identified with handwriting difficulties can make significant changes in their handwriting in 4 to 6 therapy sessions.  Your child’s success is strongly dependent on individualized home programming provided by the clinician.

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