
Picky Eaters


Picky Eaters Please note that our Picky Eaters program is currently on-pause. Please reach out to our office or check back here for updates on the program. Children will turn their noses up to certain foods (Brussel sprouts is an acquired taste) from time to time. However, there [...]

The Handwriting Clinic


The Handwriting Clinic The handwriting clinic at Achieve Therapy Centre will quickly assist your child in developing age appropriate handwriting skills. Do you notice that your child writes their letters from the bottom up? Are you concerned that your child's handwriting is slowing down their ability to put [...]

Occupational Therapy


Occupational Therapy Occupational Therapy is a regulated health profession dedicated to helping individuals achieve and maximize independence in all areas of their lives. At Achieve, we use therapeutic activity to improve an individual's ability to fully participate in school or work, to gain autonomy in self care, and to [...]

Joint Therapy


Joint Therapy Achieve Therapy Centre is pleased to offer joint therapy: speech-language pathology and occupational therapy for children with multiple needs. A child with developmental challenges may require remediation in several areas which can mean multiple appointments. During joint treatment, we are able to incorporate both the speech-language [...]

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